Teaching Awards
More than just a job, teaching is a vocation and is central to who I am. I have been fortunate to receive opportunities to grow as an educator and recognition for effective teaching in the past.
More than just a job, teaching is a vocation and is central to who I am. I have been fortunate to receive opportunities to grow as an educator and recognition for effective teaching in the past.
Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship
The University Graduate School, Indiana University, AY 2018-2019
The Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship (FFTF) program recognizes the past performance of advanced doctoral candidates from Indiana University Bloomington and their future potential as educators and offers the opportunity to expand teaching skills through career development and hands-on experience at regional Indiana University campuses and Butler University. The fellowship is highly competitive, but I received this fellowship and taught a 2-2 load through it at Indiana University South Bend.
Carl H. Ziegler Teaching Award
Collins Living-Learning Center, Indiana University Bloomington, Spring 2014
In Spring 2014, I taught a special seminar course for one of the living-learning communities on campus at Indiana University Bloomington, Collins. A committee of students and faculty award one instructor per semester a teaching award, based on student nominations, and I received the honor.