Searching for the Center Podcast
I am often asked to speak on topics related to my research for wide general audiences. In 2019, one of my former students interviewed me with his co-host for their podcast, Searching for the Center.
You can listen at Buzzsprout:
Locals and Legends: How Anthropology intersects with our lives. Feat. Madeline Chera - Searching For the Center ’s Podcast
In this episode of Locals and Legends Dane and Nick tackle the the idea of authenticity with the help of Madeline Chera, professor in the Anthropology department at Indiana University South Bend.
Gerber, Nick, and Dane Wysong. 2019. “Locals and Legends 1-9: How Anthropology Intersects with Our Lives. Feat. Madeline Chera.” Searching for the Center podcast, 1:10:05. 23 May 2019.